For example, it’s hard to skill up one handed weapons if the monsters die before I can get there. Secondly, and more importantly, it’s hard to level up certain skills if you let your companion do too much work. For one, they get in my way a lot and I have fear of killing them. The negatives I’ve come across are only a few. Once dismissed, you can pick up a new companion or return to that one. If you dismiss a character they will return to where they came from.
Command: Companions follow simple commands such as wait, follow, and dismiss. This gives you more customization for your companions. Gear: Your followers will equip gear you give them if it is better than their starting equipment. Mules: If you have all this nifty stuff, but can’t carry it all, hand it to your humanoid companion non humanoid companions can’t carry your loot. There are bugs where certain NPC’s can die so just be aware that there is possibility of your companion CAN die. If you slay a follower on purpose or by accident – they are dead. If they drop to 0 hit points they fall to their knees and revive at the end of combat. Immortal: Followers can’t die unless it’s by your own hands.
There are companions of all types, find one that fits your style of play.
Fight: Anytime combat begins they will rush to the melee and join. Your followers offer numerous benefits to your Skyrim hero: You can have ONE humanoid follower and ONE non-humanoid follower – like a dog – at one time. These NPCs often want you to do something for them at first quest rewards, compete a quest for the NPC, or even beat the NPC in a fist fight to get them to follow you. These are companions that will travel with you into combat and whatever odds and ends you do in the Skyrim world. Throughout the game, you are going to come across NPCs that have a ‘follow me’ speech option. Note: this has nothing to do with the “Companions” or fighters guild. The game has a companion system to have traveling partners, animal companions, and someone to come home too after exhausting day of dragon slaying. Fellow Nords and ladies, has trudging through the tundra of Skyrim become lonely? Do the numerous dragon skeletons not offer the sort of companionship you desired? Skyrim is massive, why go alone? Am I alluding to a sort of co-op or multiplayer in Skyrim – sadly no.